The best kitchen design trends of 2020

Square edged worktops to suit every kitchen design

Kitchen design trends are always changing and evolving. At Savoy Timber, we make it our mission to stock the latest and greatest products to help you make your house a home! After all, we believe DIY should be made easy!

This year we expect to see several design trends and styles increase in popularity. Whether you’re a seasoned interior designer or a DIY expert — here are the biggest kitchen design trends you’re likely to see this year!

Waterfall kitchen islands

You might have heard of waterfall kitchen islands – essentially, it’s simply an island with a side panel that touches the floor, creating a “waterfall” effect. The waterfall kitchen island has been increasing in popularity as rising numbers of home owners choose more modern kitchen designs.

The most distinct feature of a waterfall kitchen island is how it naturally frames the seating area by creating an alcove for chairs to be tucked neatly away. We recommend a waterfall kitchen island if you want to create a seamlessly incorporated seating area in your space for guests and family.

Leading Brand Worktops For A Designer Kitchen Feel

Dark colour schemes

Another trend involves using a dark colour palette or dark cabinets to create a beautiful contrast with a light colour or a wooden effect worktop! If you’re a looking for grey, white, or even wood effect worktop, you’re in exactly the right place – we have a large selection for you to choose from in many shades, effects, and styles.

Dark coloured cabinets are popular options because they can help add dimension to your space to accentuate the focal point of your kitchen. Dark coloured cabinets also contrast well with wood-effect cabinets to create a natural and modern looking kitchen.

Up-cycling and eco-friendly materials

In 2020, you should expect to see more design elements like seating, lighting, and accessories to find new life by being recycled (also called up-cycling). What’s more, many manufacturers (including Savoy Timber and our suppliers) will start switching to using sustainable materials to create kitchen cabinets, planters, and even feature lighting!

There has also been a big push from consumers to buy more durable, economical products with a longer life, so they don’t have to replace things as often. This has lead many customers to choose products like our solid-core worktops over traditional laminate.

Ultra-thin laminate worktops

Compared to our larger 40mm worktops, thin worktops are perfect for creating sleek, clean lines in the kitchen. This helps kitchens look more cohesive and modern. Plus, thin laminate worktops are a perfect option for all different kitchen design styles; modern, industrial, and even minimal.

zenith ultra thin kitchen worktop in kitchen

Our solid-core laminate worktops come in a variety of colours and styles, ranging from the light (quartz) to very dark (similar to slate or granite), and even marble effect— to give you the fantastic look of marble but at a fraction of the cost!

At Savoy Timber, we’ve got an amazing range of worktops for you to choose from and you can browse our selection online and have it delivered to your door. Or if you want to see them up close, pay a visit to one of our DIY stores in PrestonWigan or Blackpool, where our friendly members of staff are always happy to lend a hand!