Can you paint your laminate kitchen worktops?

modern kitchen with laminate worktop

It’s a question we routinely hear at Savoy Timber, and there’s a short answer and a long answer. The short answer is yes, you can technically paint your laminate kitchen worktops. In many ways, it’s not massively different to painting any other surface in your home – there aren’t a lot of particularly special considerations, as long as you’ve made sure that all the critical safety rules are being followed, such as making sure the space is properly ventilated.

You may well have seen lots of examples of it having worked out – lots of people have shared their experiences online, and a quick Google search will generally turn up positive results. However, it’s not quite as simple as it may seem, and it can be easy to overlook the drawbacks (of which there are many). In other words, just because you can paint your laminate worktops doesn’t necessarily mean you should, and it can be a nightmare to have that sinking realisation afterwards

So before you crack open that tin of paint, we’ve got a couple of things it’s worth bearing in mind!

Arguments for painting laminate worktops

OK, let’s begin with a couple of the arguments in favour, especially since they probably include some of the ones you may have already heard from influencers or acquaintances who’ve already done this sort of thing before.


Lots of people say that painting your laminate worktops can be a much cheaper alternative to replacing them entirely, especially if you’re only looking for a temporary update to your kitchen’s appearance.

Customisation options:

One of the most appealing aspects of painting is the ability to choose your desired colour or finish, especially if you’re looking for a very specific shade.

Quick refresh: If you’re in a hurry, painting your laminate worktops is tempting for its potential to offer a swift visual refresh without the need for a full kitchen renovation. The process can also be done relatively quickly, especially if it’s not your first time painting.

Arguments against painting laminate worktops

So, we’ve covered the arguments in favour. The next question is: are there any drawbacks? Well, in short, yes. Quite a few of them to be honest!


Even cheap laminate worktops are designed to be highly durable, and in fact it’s one of their key selling points. Paint on the other hand can chip, peel, or scratch over time, especially in high-use areas like kitchens. This might necessitate frequent touch-ups, which can become a hassle and lead to frustration.

Food safety concerns

Paint’s tendency to flake and chip also leads directly into another concern – the risk of it contaminating your food. Even if it’s food-safe, let’s be honest, nobody likes eating paint. Especially if they’re not expecting it to be there. Either way, it’s important to make sure the paint you’re using is food-safe (which can often be a challenge in itself).


Painting might initially seem like a quick fix – and true, it’s arguably quicker than installing a whole new worktop – but the preparation involved can still be lengthy. You’ll need to sand, prime, paint, and seal the surface to achieve a durable result, so realistically you’re probably looking at a weekend, at the very least.

Defeats the original purpose:

If you’ve purchased a laminate worktop in a specific colour or finish, painting over it may seem counterproductive. If you desire a particular look, it’s often better to buy a worktop that already matches your desired aesthetic rather than attempting to alter an existing one.

What we’d advise here at Savoy Timber

All told, while it’s certainly possible to paint laminate kitchen worktops, we would generally advise against it. The concerns surrounding durability, food safety, and the potential for flaking make it a less-than-ideal solution for most homeowners. If you’re set on a specific colour or look, it’s generally better to buy a worktop that suits your needs from the outset, rather than painting over an existing one and facing potential future maintenance issues.

Ultimately, the choice is yours! If you’re keen on a DIY project and don’t mind the risks, painting your laminate worktops can be an exciting endeavour. However, if you’re looking for longevity and safety, exploring other options might be the best course of action for your kitchen.

And of course, if you are indeed on the lookout for a new laminate worktop, you’re in exactly the right place. We have a variety of laminate worktops in a variety of styles, colours, and finishes that we’ll deliver straight to your door. You can browse them right here on our site or pay us a visit at one of our DIY stores in Blackpool, Preston, Bradford, or Wigan. If you need any help with your order or you have a question you need answering, feel free to give us a call at 0345 0268 799, and a member of our friendly team will be more than happy to help!